Dr. Ardian Harri is an agricultural economist in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Mississippi State University (MSU). Dr. Harri has been a faculty member at MSU since 2004. He earned his Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Oklahoma State University in 1999. Prior to joining MSU Dr. Harri worked in the government and private sectors. Dr. Harri’s research focuses on the use of econometric and statistical methods to analyze the different aspects of risk and risk management related to the production and marketing of agricultural products. Dr. Harri´s research efforts were supported with external funding of over $2.8 million from grants and contracts. He teaches graduate classes in econometrics, survey design, agribusiness risk, and research seminar. Dr. Harri has served as the Graduate Coordinator and the Interim Department Head in the Department of Agricultural Economics at MSU. He has also served on numerous graduate committees.
Prof. Dr. Ardian Maçi is born on December 26, 1959 in Tirana.
He is graduated as High Agronomist in 1983 at the Agronomy Faculty of Agricultural University of Tirana. Ph.D.-Studies has performed in the period 1995-1999 at the Institute of Plant Nutrition of Giessen University, Germany.
He was the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture and Environment from 2008 to 2016 and now he is lecturer for Plant Nutrition, Fertilization and Soil Fertility at the Department of Agro environment of the Agricultural University of Tirana.
He is President of the Association of Organic Agriculture “Bio-Adria” in Albania; Head of the Board of the Institute of Organic Agriculture in Albania; Member of Editorial Board of Scientific Journal “Agriculture and Forestry” in Montenegro; Member of the European Society of Agronomy; Member of Plant Nutrition Society of Germany; Head of Albania Branch of the International Institute “Alb-Shkenca”. He is author and co-author of many text books, scientific papers and presentations in different conferences.
Dr. Berisha ka studiuar në Universitetin e Prishtinës (UP), magjistraturen në Universitetin e Lubjanës , ndërkaq ka doktoruar dhe është habilituar në Universitetin Teknik të Munihut (TUM). Është zgjedhur profesor i asocuar në TUM, ndërkaq Profesor ordinar në UP dhe ne Universitetin Bujqësor të Tiranës. Ka marrë pjesë aktive në qindra konferenca dhe tubime të tjera shkencore, ndërkaq ka publikuar dhjetëra punime origjinale shkencore në revistat më të mira të fushave të tij shkencore (fiziologjia, gjenetika dhe bioteknologjia animale). Në Kosovë ka kryer detyra me përgjegjësi në institucionet e arsimit të lartë dhe të shkencës, ndërkaq aktualisht është anëtar i Këshillit Kombëtarë te Shkencës. Për arritjet e tija shkencore është dekoruar nga institucione të ndryshme shkencore ndërkombëtare, ndërkaq së fundmi është zgjedhur “TUM Ambasador” dhe anëtar i jashtëm i Akademisë së Shkencave të Shqipërisë.
Dr. Ziberi earned his Bachelor degree in Physics in Tirana Albania in 1998. From 1999 he continued his Master and PhD studies at the University of Leipzig in Germany, and in 2006 he earned his doctor title in Physics, in the field Condensed matter physics.
From 2002 until July 2010 he worked as a scientific employee at the Leibniz Institute for surface modification in Leipzig, Germany, working on surface engineering and nanostructuring of different materials using low energy ion beams. Dr. Ziberi is board member of the institute Alb-Shkenca and of the NanoAlb excellence group of ASA in Tirana.
He was awarded the Fulbright scholarship in 2018 at Harvard Medical school, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham & Women’s Hospital, working on combination of radiotherapy and imunnotherapy using SRB with nanoparticles for targeted treatment of cancer. He has given great contribution in teaching and building of research capacities at the University and the region, as head of physics department and director of the office for scientific research and innovation in the frame of the University of Tetovo. He is reviewer in a number of scientific journals, has more than 40 publications and over 100 contributions in international conferences, from which more than 20 are invited.
Prof. Ziberi is actually working as a fulltime professor at the University of Tetova and as a board member of the Global Oncology University.
Ernest Nasto është ekonomist e studiues i politikës amerikane me banim në Chicago. Fillimisht ishte pedagog në Fakultetin e Ekonomisë të UT dhe më vonë, gjatë studimeve doktorale në Francë, në Institut d'Etudes Politiques d'Aix-en-Provence. Prej vitit 1997 në SHBA, Dr. Nasto u është kushtuar analizave të shoqërisë amerikane për publikun shqiptar. Libri i tij "Një komb nën Zotin – besimi fetar dhe politika në Shtetet e Bashkuara", botuar më 2016 nga AIIS, mbetet i vetmi me këtë temë në gjuhën shqipe. Dr. Nasto vazhdon të jetë i pranishëm në mediat shqiptare me artikuj, analiza e intervista të ndryshme.
Eshref Januzaj ka studiuar Informatikën në Technische Universität München (Gjermani), ka doktoruar në fushën shkencore të Distributed Data Mining dhe është specialist në lëminë e Data Mining, Machine Learning dhe inteligjencës artificiale. Ka një përvojë pune rreth 20 vjeçare si docent, bashkëpunëtor shkencor dhe ligjërues në universitetet gjermane. Krahas punës akademike në universitet, merret me kërkime shkencore me fokus integrimin e dijes së shpërndarë dhe heterogjene duke aplikuar metodat e Data Mining. Konkretisht merret më zhvillimin e algoritmëve dhe metodave eficiente nga këto fusha për aplikimin e tyre në shkencat e tjera si: biomjekësia, eficienca energjetike, shkencat shoqërore – gjuha, historia, albanologjia, etj.
Gentian Zyberi është Profesor i të Drejtës Ndërkombëtare dhe të Drejtave të Njeriut dhe ka drejtuar Qendrën Norvegjeze për të Drejtat e Njeriut, Fakulteti i Drejtësisë, Universiteti i Oslos, Norvegji në periudhën 2018-2021. Prej vitit 2014 Profesor Zyberi ka shërbyer si drejtor i përgjithshëm i Institutit Alb-Shkenca. Ai është anëtari i parë shqiptar i Komitetit për të Drejtat e Njeriut të OKB-së, që merret me mbikëqyrjen e të drejtave garantuar nën Paktin Ndërkombëtar për të Drejtat Civile dhe Politike. Profesor Zyberi ka mbaruar studimet për drejtësi në Fakultetin e Drejtësisë të Universitetit të Tiranës (jurist, 2000), dhe ka marrë një diplomë Masteri (LL.M, 2002) dhe gradën doktor (PhD, 2008) në të Drejtën Ndërkombëtare nga Universiteti i Utrehtit, Holandë. Ai është promovuar në rangun profesor (të rregullt) në Universitetin e Oslos në vitin 2015 nga një komision vlerësimi në bazë të rezultateve të tij shkencore.
Dr. Qafoku is nationally and internationally recognized for his expertise and leadership in the soil chemistry/mineralogy and environmental geosciences communities for contributions in both research and education for over three decades. During his tenure at the Agricultural University of Tirana in his native Albania, he taught, developed new courses, and wrote lectures and a soil fertility textbook; recruited, supervised, and mentored students; and provided oversight for the development and selection of research proposals. He also conducted research in soil chemistry and fertilizer efficiency and earned the Doctor of Science Degree. He was awarded the Fulbright Scholarship in 1994 and conducted soil modeling work at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. He then was accepted in the graduate school of the University of Georgia and graduated in 1998 finishing a double-degree graduate program (M.S. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences and Ph.D. in Environmental Soil Chemistry). Since 2000, Dr. Qafoku has been employed at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) where he has moved through the ranks from scientist II to Laboratory Fellow (2020) and led research in national DOE programs on fate and transport of U, Tc, I and Cr; nuclear waste disposal in environments (soils and subsurface); CO2 sequestration in soils and deep subsurface reservoirs and environmental effect on groundwater quality; and carbon, nitrogen and elemental cycling in soils. Dr. Qafoku has been recognized at PNNL with four outstanding individual performance and three exceptional contribution awards (2005, 2007, 2009, 2020, and 2014, 2016, 2020, respectively), and three Energy and Environment Directorate (PNNL) publication of the year award (2015, 2016, 2019). He was promoted to Laboratory Fellow (2020) which is one of the highest recognitions at PNNL. He received the prestigious and nationally recognized R&D 100 Award in 2017. He is also recipient of the national 2019 Jackson Award in soil chemistry and mineralogy from the Soil Science Society of America and he was elected Fellow (2020) of this society. He has a great record of peer-reviewed publications, with papers published in Science, Nature, SSSAJ, JEQ, Advances in Agronomy, American Journal of Science, and book chapters published in Encyclopedia of Soil Science and the Handbook of Soil Science. In addition, he has published numerous reports and papers presented at international conferences and has served on editorial boards of many international journals. He has been elected and served in many Soil Science Society of America positions and committees (e.g., chair of the Soil Chemistry Division). He was elected Councilor of the Clay Mineral Society and served as General Chair of the 57th Annual International Meeting of this society and received the Citation of Special Recognition (2020) from this society. He is an affiliate professor in the Department of Civil and Environment Engineering of the University of Washington, adjunct faculty of the Washington State University, professor of Agricultural University of Tirana, Albania, and has served in the graduate committees of WSU, University of Central Florida and Oregon State University.
Petraq J. Papajorgji is Emeritus professor at European University of Tirana, Albania and Fulbright Scholar. Is author/editor of 15 books and a number of scientific articles. Editor in chief (2010 – 2020) of International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems, (IJAEIS) indexed in 14 international databases. IJAEIS is published by IGI Global publishing house.